Wednesday, July 2, 2008


When summer comes, that means we spend more time riding in our dad's 1968 Nova. This photo was just a couple days before us girls chopped of our hair. Our hair blows around a lot in this car, since it was made before air conditioning =).
Last week we went to a dinner party that a few of us had purchased at an auction. It was at the Dillon's house and prepared for us by the pastors of our church. It was a beautiful night in a great backyard.
The food was fabulous and the friends were great.
Notice how the two hip ones with the short hair (Val & I) are on the left side and the ones who are still hanging on to those longer locks (Shannon & Amy) are on the right.
Thanks Bruce, Vicky, Chris, Diana, Aimee, Connie & Carol for a wonderful dinner!!
Then this week, my son and hubby and brother are off to here....
My son and his small group boys were looking forward to a great week. Thank you God for opportunities to get closer to you and to others.


Infarrantly Creative said...

Fun times Meleea. I am glad you guys had a nice time at the dinner with the pastors. We always liked doing that.

Kelli said...

Fun, fun...Grit will be a good time for the boys I'm sure...

One- said...

Like the short hair, it's cute. How is it not being able to put your hair in a ponytail? That would be hard for me.

Julie D. said...

what great times, meleea! I LOVE summer!

Shannon said...

dinner was fun. hope grit went well!! can't wait to read your post about it.

The Pace Posse said...

What fun you've been having!
The boys looked very excited for camp. I hope they came home just as excited.
I think it is so great that your son gets into youth group and embraces that experience. I pray my kids will do the same someday!