Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day Arrives!

So today was leap day and I really enjoyed opening our envelope! It was so fun to see my cute kids 4 years ago and then 8 years ago. They sure have changed! We laughed when we read all the things they used to be into when they were "just kids". Time goes way too fast! We will now make our new card and take our new photo and re-seal the envelope for another four years.

Leap Year 2004 - 4 years ago

Leap Year 2000 - 8 years ago!


The Pace Posse said...

Happy Leap Day, Meleea.
Those pictures and lists are such special keepsakes. It amazes me how fast the time goes and how much they have grown. What a special tradition you have created with them!

Annette said...

such a cool tradition! you are so clever... loved the pics

Infarrantly Creative said...

What a cool idea. I am so stealing that one someday. It was nice to see you in church,

Trish said...

That is so cool!! I love the pictures of your kids, especially the one from 2000......what a difference eight years makes. Very cool tradition.

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog Meleea! Love the backround and banner! What a fun idea, I wish I was this organized to think and remember these kinds of things. It's crazy what a difference 4 years can make.

Your dog is darling too! I can finally keep up with you now that you have a blog : ) funny thing isn't it.