Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Too Funny not to share!!!

My mom and I were going through old photos at her house last night and we came across some real treasures from the late 80's - early 90's. This photo is of two of our long time friends. We were serving in ministry together at a church here in town and were needing to raise big money for the youth group, so all the leaders had a huge weekend garage sale at my parents. Here the gentlemen models were sporting some of the amazing treasures up for sale!
Now this one is of one of those friends sporting a fabulous mullet - I feel quite certain it is safe to show this because he just admitted he had one last Sunday at church.
Unfortunately, even my boyfriend (now hubby) grew one for himself!! It was lovely...um, not really!! Fortunately, for me he cut it for our wedding day in 1990. This beautiful dress I am wearing was given to me by this boyfriend as a gift during one of his messages to the students. I think he was just trying to make points! It must have worked.


Trish said...

Oh my goodness, those are so funny! I can't wait to show Jamie tomorrow morning.........!!!
Why oh why were mullets so fashionable?

Julie D. said...

seriously, those are the best pictures ever. the first one of Chris is priceless. and you and curtis with his mullet...even better. Now why didn't we know that our pastor was a model when we had our MOMS garage sale? that would have meant some serious revenue.

One- said...

Thanks for sharing. It's like I really never left Vancouver, almost 20 years now!! Classic, totally classic!

Trish said...

Jamie says he still has that outfit if anyone would like to borrow it!

Kelli said...

Right now I am saying to myself 'she DID NOT post those on a public site'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those were over the top hilarious!!!

Lee Ann said...

Ya, you win! If the contest is fnniest pictures you got it hands down. Thanks for the laugh....especially at innocent people :-)

Eryn said...

Wow...those are amazing mullets. Ck looks awesome...and your hubbies flowing locks are quite lovely as well! that's great!

Shannon said...

Seriously...what were all those guys thinking back then?